Photo:  Marc Chagall (1960-1966). the sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham is placed in a position of acceptance to the sacrifice, sacrifice that doesn't happen, then the teaching lies in awareness to acceptance of the sacrifice in which the individual is subjected (exploitation of peoples, fanaticism, wars). "... ideal of sacrifice and pain switches to honour and praise of the exploiting classes, enemies of joy and love for life." Photo: Marc Chagall (1960-1966). the sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham is placed in a position of acceptance to the sacrifice, sacrifice that doesn't happen, then the teaching lies in awareness to acceptance of the sacrifice in which the individual is subjected (exploitation of peoples, fanaticism, wars). "... ideal of sacrifice and pain switches to honour and praise of the exploiting classes, enemies of joy and love for life." In the current World millions and millions of workers, men, women and children are sacrificed in the name of development. Sacrifices imposed by " capital God"; and the "capital God" is the heir of "feudal State God".

The love of fear- the refusal of pleasure - Fear paralyzes will

The relation between "rich-poor"; "servant-master" divides all, it divides especially the consciences of those who have an interest in the destruction of that relationship.

The Biblical prophetic wisdom expresses this situation in the right way: "In a State of oppression even a wise becomes a fool" (Ecclesiastes 6-7), it is above all the fear that folds even strongest consciences...

Let's consider how in the entangled human soul, the seed of the domain, the desire to own, and above all to control, but also to be owned or controlled by a great Lord (lord right) has always been sown deeply into mankind, otherwise the domain system, which has been working on Earth for some time, would be uprooted.

Power, but above all Religion (we see the results today, more than ever,) were teachers in teaching and instigating people, humans, to the love of fear : the pleasure of making fear and get scared.

They were masters in synthesising the domain moments: that of consent and; playing now on the one now on the other time according to "carrot-and-stick” circumstances ; "slap and caress".

Moreover the education to accept the pain (even in harsh work) create psychological pain (fear of getting fired) and to refuse the pleasure, finds its realization in behaviours benefits, meagre conditioning for an insufficient salary or pension.

They ensure that the urge to pleasure results in pain (see who kill himself killing defenceless people ), that the pleasure is associated with pain and vice versa ; to come to fear of pleasure and the pleasure of pain ;

so everything is turned upside down and the ideal of sacrifice and pain switches to honor and praise of the exploiting classes, enemies of joy and love for life.

In the Italian language this way of approaching life is well illustrated; let's look at these: penalty = penis; foul = fail; mistake = wandering; subject = awe; mind = lie; passion = passions; father = master.

It is possible to see this perverse mechanism that kills the "child" wherever he finds: "take this beautiful cake; see how inviting it is! "but while you, child, are trying to grab it, an electrical discharge ( fear ) paralyzes the hand ( the will ).

An order, a terrible obligation chill your hand; you will be repeated the invitation, under different forms, an infinite number of times, until you get used to associating pleasure to pain. 

In this type of education, especially aimed at children of the poor and at the workers, religions were teachers during centuries; the famous quote by Karl Marx is well suited to religion: " religion is the opium of the people, is the sigh of the soul oppressed, it is the whisper of a heartless world."

Finally, let it be known to people, that the same event is in United Europe.

Europe is not bearer of freedom; millions and millions of workers, men, women and children are sacrificed in the name of development.

My thoughts go away over time; the blood sacrifice of the Aztecs, who would pale in the face of the sacrifices imposed by "capital God”; and the "capital God" is the heir of "feudal State God".

There are things hard to understand, if you do not cancel your own ego, there are difficult moments to live if you do not try to be united to other men.

Faith (not just the religious one) is something that is beyond everything. There is not only faith (self-reliance), but have faith!

Прочитано 3274 раз Последнее изменение Суббота, 20 мая 2017 11:46

In this article, I would like to focus on Violence and provide an insight into all its various aspects.

It goes without saying that the approach to violence takes on either an objective or a subjective connotation depending on the subjects who use violence, i.e. the oppressed or the ruling class.

Put simply, it is impossible to equate the violence of the "Settler" with the violence of the "Colonized person": the violence of the Settler against the Colonised person and the violence of the latter against the former; these "two" kinds of violence are clearly distinct.

In fact, the violence of the Rich and the violence of the Poor are not the same thing: the Poor actually fight against the root of the power and try to redeem themselves from the violence suffered, which in turn addresses the weak and urges the poor to put the blame for their failure on the lowest, forever repeating the reasons underlying their own failure and oppression.

Obviously, the violence of the Poor who wants to take the place of the rich, thus vexing those who are equally poor or even poorer, looks like the violence of the Rich, since it is based on the same feelings of envy, oppression, grudge and revenge.

This behaviour feeds the violence of the Rich and is also responsible for it.

This violence-revenge does not express the urgency to totally overcome one’s status of exploited or exploiter, as the "grudge" does not rely on "the Last will be the First, and the First will be the Last, so that there will be neither First nor Last."

However, from a logical point of view, the violence used by the "Rich" is different, because the rich can draw on countless resources to act in the name of beauty, magnanimity, mercy, pity and in harmony with the whole world, while the Servants are needy and deprived of the enlightened rationality, therefore they are generally less free and aware than the Rich or even than those who are neither rich nor poor, but released from opposing antagonisms.

Before completing our Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to stress that men need to start a great thought revolution against the injustices, but especially against the so-called "philanthropists"; i.e. those who declare their love for humanity, their intention to improve the fate of men with the purpose of contributing to the wellbeing of mankind, but inevitably end up establishing fake profit-making bodies and organizations.

All over the world, including Italy, women and immigrants are paid less than men performing the same tasks, although the Declaration of Human Rights states that salaries should be equal, regardless of the workers’ gender, nationality or ethnic group.

However, it is not so! ...

In summary, according to our Declaration of Human Rights: the first thing is Life, then Love, Death and eventually the Pursuit of Truth...


And this is the fifth right within the Pursuit of truth: every educational environment, from nursery schools to kindergartens and universities must lay the foundations for an atmosphere suitable for meditation and relaxation.


Power and limits of fanatic doctrines.

The power and the strength of a community does not only depend on the members or components and on their number, but very much on the economic component, but even more on the doctrine that prophesies and that everyone carries out. Let's see therefore how a fanatical doctrine (and we see even today with the Isis) often increases a community's power.

Другие материалы в этой категории: « The Rules of Modern Prophecy Peace Meaning »

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