Суббота, 22 октября 2016 14:30

The Technological Era

We are living in the technological era, but each situation features other three sides. To the detriment of our personality, our technological society has created the ingenious monstrosity of the group - a downside to be constantly controlled – together with the social "slave - master" hierarchy, while socialist, animist, nomadic societies pay little attention to the accumulative production of the group, but rather focus on the magic, artistic and dreamy creativity of all the group members.

The animist - nomadic approach takes inspiration from the birds in the sky and the lilies in the fields, and uses technology as a work instrument.

Опубликовано в The Teaching of Modern Prophetism
Четверг, 06 октября 2016 15:23

The Canticle of the Promised Land

In our world, the just do not exist, because there can be no prevailing justice, and the just are often killed, persecuted, deceived (whereas the opposite occurs in the Promised Land): the just, i.e. those who act with liberality and full awareness, are crucified. "... Does not ride a horse on the hills full of beauty and love ..." (prophet Isaiah.)

How many crucified virtuous men will it take, before we shall revive in the glory and in light of the return of the Promised Land? We know that Isaiah’s vision addresses the need for justice and truth.

In the Canticle of the Promised Land, we know that the behaviour of the just shall be immeasurably rewarded. However, we must all recreate this ancient land, which is now almost extinct, and to this end, we must be "Just and Eternal."

Опубликовано в The Teaching of Modern Prophetism

Human Rights

Prophetic Knowledge

The New Man

Современный пророк

Modern Prophets - Principles of Humanistic Logic